April 16, 2008

Junk Mail Nation: DWR makes Modern Green.

Didja know the average American receives 41 pounds of junk mail a year?

That’s not only eco-irresponsible—that’s annoying. An awful lot of that junk mail can be reduced by making a few cancellation calls—as our intern, Nigel, does once a week (otherwise we’d probably receive 82 pounds a year, our P.O. Box is so stuffed). But one catalog I’ve refrained from canceling is DWR’s, the modern furniture retailer. For one, they’re stylish, cool, have beautiful well-made products (which, despite their name, are mostly out of my $$$ reach). But more importantly, they (and my favorite magazine, Dwell) have led the way for modern furniture and building design enthusiasts everywhere to reduce a bit of their substantial footprint and go green, get mindful.

The latest DWR catalog is printed on ecopaper, and highlights their eco products (still only 240 products out of thousands). They feature the most eco chair ever, Emeco, made in the USA fair-labor by a Pennsylvania family, of 80% recycled aluminum (which is of course itself 100% recyclable). It’s made so well that it should not only outlive you, but your children. Now that’s sustainable. We chose four of those chairs for Hotelephant, my home, and our office. ~Waylon Lewis, publisher

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