July 20, 2008

ele favorite: eco cool (hot) coffee mug (cup).











It’s not a use-once-then-throw-away paper cup; it just looks it. It’s ceramic. Riffing on New York City’s ubiquitous, famous paper cups, it’s Graham Hill‘s stylee, deliberate comment on our throwaway culture. I want to get it…only I already have enough mugs…and consumption, even green consumption, isn’t actually green unless you need it and are buying green instead of buying not green. Got it?

Green Consumption in order of Greenness:

1. Don’t buy anything at all, fix or make do with what you have.

2. Buy re-used off craigslist, yard sale.

3. Buy new eco-responsible product. 

4. Buy new non-eco product from local independent store.

5. Buy new eco-responsible product from big box chain store.

6. Drive SUV to big box chain outlet, buy non-eco products you don’t need; throw them away two weeks later (this is, frighteningly, pretty typical behavior).

From another blog, which did a more detailed write-up of the above: “The world’s most famous paper cup, the “We Are Happy To Serve You” cup, has now turned ceramic & reusable.

This famous Greek paper cup has been around the block since 1963 & over 180,000,000 cups per year are used in New York restaurants & delis.  For just $10 you can bring this infamous mug home to enjoy many a cups of coffee…”

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