July 11, 2008

ele:review—The Art of War…for Everyday Life.

The Art of War has long been a seminal text on how to succeed in business. I’ve used it to succeed at bars. You can use it however you like.

Two of my jolly Buddhist mentors, Barry Boyce and James Gimian, have just published The Rules of Victory: How to Transform Chaos and Conflict-Strategies from the Art of War.

“The Rules of Victory presents how the skillful strategies from the Sun Tzu can help with the challenges in your life. It goes more deeply into the themes introduced in The Art of War: The Denma Translation, such as taking whole, employing shih, and how to win the battle and the war. All of this work was inspired by the Tibetan meditation master Chogyam Trungpa’s encouragement to study this text. The Rules of Victory contains stories from people who have applied Sun Tzu wisdom in their lives.”

If you’d like to help let people know about The Rules of Victory, please share this message with a friend, write a review at amazon.com, and tell your favorite bookseller.

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