August 15, 2008

Meet elephant’s cover designers: Cypher13

Todd Berger of Cypher13, designed our Autumn 2006 cover, “Our World Is Going Down the Drain.”

Todd Berger was born in Chicago, Illinois and reared on a steady diet of skateboarding, bmx’ing, breakdancing, drawing cartoons, collecting sneakers, chasing girls and wearing ladies’ underwear.

These days, he’s up to the same old tricks—only breakdancing has given way to graphic and web design at Boulder, Colorado’s new cypher13 (an interactive design boutique). Todd is also a founder of JOYENGINE, an out-of-the-box boutique/gallery.

“Way, feel free to fuck with my bio, make it funny, make fun of me, do whatever the hell you want. Just remember to cut the part about me wearing ladies’ underwear. Thanks man.” —TB

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