August 3, 2008

Top 10 Political Movies.

Best Political Films.

I’m a political junkie. I love that All-American save-the-world if-you-don’t-compromise-too-much public service stuff but if you don’t-compromise-enough-you-won’t-get-a-chance to save-the-world stuff, too…the ego and glory, that tedium and horserace, that idealism mixed with gritty reality. What are your favorite political films of all time? Here are mine—videos:

Face in the Crowd. Unbelievable.

Street Fight:

Click here for War Room, a ground-breaking, ugly yet insider documentary on Bill Clinton’s race in 1992.

And, of course, Dr. Strangelove has got to be on any Top Political Films list. And though it’s not a movie, more of an epic, West Wing has to be on any list. Now get you to netflix.com or your local indie video station.

Extra Credit.

Bonus. Another list:

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