August 12, 2008

Women Snore Too: BeThree tells how to (naturally) have a Silent Night (hint: magical snore ring).

I love BeThree (yeah, I’m a guy, but I can’t help reading this great wellness-for-women blog!). Here’s an excerpt of their latest greatest post, on snoring. For links and the rest of the article, click here.

Sleepovers are overrated. You spoon, drift off to snoozeville next to your beloved, then suddenly realize your new boytoy is one of the following: A swift kicker, sheet-stealer, sleepwalker, or god forbid, snorer. Fifty percent of the population snores, and it happens when the airflow through the nose or mouth is obstructed. But don’t despair – here are our tips to naturally silence even the most severe snorer.

Be A Pushover: If your snoring sweetie is lying face up, encourage them onto their side which will open up their airways. 

Snore-No-More: Stack pillows up to 4 inches high underneath your bedmate’s head when they sleep, or snag a Snore-No-More Pillow made from 100% hypoallergenic foam that improves sleep posture by keeping the chin elevated and jaw forward.

Stick It To The Snorer: Acupuncture can stimulate endorphins that trigger anti-snoring effects during sleep. Fear of needles? Try the Anti Snore Therapeutic Ring that applies pressure on the heart meridian, helping to increase energy flow and improve breathing…


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