September 12, 2008

TOMS: the kindest shoes on earth. [Shoe Drop video; Treehugger]


I met the good folks at TOMS out in SLC, of all places (at the Outdoor Retailer Trade Show). Here’s the dealio: for evey pair you buy, they give a pair to shoeless

 kids in third world countries. Wanna know more? Listen to this interview on Treehugger. Here’s an excerpt: 

>>The idea that day on the farm was, “I’m going to make this shoe. I’m going to make this traditional Argentine shoe that people haven’t seen here in the US yet. I’m going to sell it and for every pair I sell, I’m going to give one back to these kids in Argentina until they all have shoes. I’m going to continue to do it so they always have shoes.” That was the idea two and a half years ago and it hasn’t changed one bit since.<<



And here’s a lovely, brief video that captures the spirit of incorporating giving into one’s business.

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