October 28, 2008

My favorite Bicycle quote, ever.

(photo by Michael Levin www.zoobird.com)

Why bicycle commute? Save money on gas, relax your environmental footprint and just have fun in general.

You might have reasons not to bicycle commute like “I can’t run around sweaty at work”, “It’s not feasible to ride the distance to work”, or “I’m in no shape to bicycle commute” if you don’t commute already.

With a little planning and ingenuity you too can join the ranks of the commuters or forge our own trail and be a code hero.

In America and most of the world, workplaces are required to have restroom facilities. So, if you’re worried about being sweaty, bring soap and a towel with you. Simple solution, eh?

Too far to ride to work? Think you’re not in shape to go the distance? Zoobird’s resident bike freak and former pro racer Bill Hannahs points out “The easiest way to turn your car into a hybrid is with a bike in the trunk. Drive halfway, bike the rest and you’ve doubled your miles per gallon!”

(photo by Michael Levin www.zoobird.com)

Bikes can be beautiful, too. I recently dropped by local bicycle artisans Villin CycleWorks in Gainesville, FL and wrote an article about how owner Lex runs the shop. Form follows function at Villin in its truest sense. Don’t ruin a good thing by trying out an artisan bike if you’re not prepared to live with the consequences. It’s a lot like happily listening to a transistor radio forever until you’re exposed to high fidelity. At that point, you know what you’ve been missing. Why do you think Mag Flashlights are so desirable? They are described as a “work of art that works.” Enough said.

(photo by Michael Levin www.zoobird.com)

By the way, my ride is a $40 Schwinn hybrid. Which segues into our next subject: get yourself a bike that fits. I found myself in a mountain village faced with renting a bike for $35/day when my rental car was $22/day. This dilemma led me to the used bike store and upon the bike you see in the photo above. To me, it turned out to be the perfect commuter. It’s more than components. It fits me like a glove. And, when a bike fits you, you know. I had it boxed and shipped home with me. Again, enough said.

(photo from www.artiestempeh.blogspot.com/)

We have another form of artistry here in my town. Artie makes tempeh. And, it’s not just a job. It’s his passion. Furthermore, Artie’s not just making things greener with his delicious artisan tempeh, he’s about as green as he can get with his Villin-built bike trailer. My point is if you want to do it, you’ll find a way to work bicycles into your life.

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