October 31, 2008

Book Review – Ocean of Dharma: The Everyday Wisdom of Chogyam Trungpa, edited by Carolyn Gimian.

I grew up reading the teachings of Chögyam Trungpa, the “crazy wisdom” meditation master who pioneered the transmission of Tibetan Buddhism into modern, Western terms…which was great. I developed a framework in my mind and heart that oriented me toward trying to do good, and sitting down on a meditation cushion instead of spinning out on my still-frequent Big Ego Attacks. The side-effect, however, is when you grow up immersed in something, by the time you “grow up” 1) it’s old hat 2) yet you have much left to learn. So this book is a great gift—it’s practical—this isn’t an intellectual exercise—it’s kitchen sink wisdom that strikes a heart’s chord, sticks with you, and bears attitudinal fruit when you most need it.

Edited by Carolyn Gimian, who also edits our own Chogyam Trungpa column.

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