October 17, 2008

News Alert: McCain & Obama are funny @ Al Smith Dinner. Videos.

Hiiiigh-larious. The two Senators joined Hillary and everybody who’s anybody (including a stunning Katie Couric)…and roasted one another at the annual Al Smith fundraiser dindin. Obama was funny, McCain was funny, a genuine surprise for this complacent boy when I turned on the tube tonight expecting little more than a roundup of today’s “you’re a jerk,” “no, you’re a jerk” campaigning as the two candidates race to the finish line. And for all those Obamaniacs who think you got it wrapped up? Today’s Gallup poll showed McCain making up some distance—within just a few points of a statistical dead heat (Obama reminded supporters today who might be feeling overconfident of “two words: New Hampshire.”)

Okay, time for the main event: the videos of the Roasts of Obama by McCain and McCain by Obama:

Sorry, I couldn’t find non-Fox videos:

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