October 28, 2008

SNL: Don Draper’s Guide to Picking up Women. (Step 4 is Key)

I have no idea what this has to do with “the mindful life,” elephantjournaldotcom’s editorial mission…unless you say that this is sorta about women, who make up 85% of our readership…and bc it’s funny and true (particularly number 4), which you could say are two key qualities of spiritual enlightenment…and, simply, bc it features my idol Jon Hamm, the actor who plays Don Draper on my favorite teevee show, Mad Men…

…And bc I ran into an acquaintance of mine the other night at White Space who’s one of Boulder’s leading playboys, and we got into a convo about dating and when or when not to settle down and why most folks get married and such, and he recommended I read a book about the Laws of Seduction. While I might not want to learn how to be a professional lady-killer…I do love women, plural…and yet I do want a quality relationship, and love children, and I don’t want to be an old man when I do “settle for the best I’m gonna get,” as he put it.

So when do you know? What’s a good age to retire from bachelorhood? I’ve always said JFK got married at 36, and JFK’s good enough for me. But, then, he had tons of affairs and I don’t see the point of getting married if you’re going to continue to want to be with other women. And how do you ever turn that particular faucet off?

Empty of answers, all I can say is that I know when I meet someone special my many questions will fall away. And if they don’t, I’ll keep following Don Draper’s Guide until I’m a lonely old boy. Enjoy:

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