October 20, 2008

Todd Palin: “love of the outdoors” is about NRA, not environmental protections.

I just got a McCain/Palin Press Release today that said this:

Todd Palin: “There are a lot of similarities between Alaska and Colorado: pioneering spirits, mountains, hunting, fishing and a general love for the great outdoors. Sarah and I agree that one of the most precious things in family life is to pass on the passion for the great outdoors from one generation to the next. Americans’ ability to enjoy the great outdoors would be jeopardized if America elects the candidate with a flunking grade from the NRA.”


Wouldn’t “Americans’ ability to enjoy the great outdoors be furthered by a strong environmental program, rather than a ‘Drill Baby, Drill’ mentality?

Can’t we have both gun rights for law-abiding citizens and reduce gun violence, which destroys the fabric of American families and society? Why is the NRA opposed to Obama’s common sense restrictions on assault weapons and other guns used primarily in urban, gang- or crime-related contexts? Can’t we license responsible gun-users for home protection or hunting, and restrict same-day, background check-less gun-selling at trade shows? Would seem to be possible to compromise on this one.

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