October 28, 2008

Winter’s coming…if you ride a bike, and own a dog (like 87.63% of my hometown) time to invest in a…dog trailer.

Dogs (as opposed to mini-dogs, and cats) live to run. But, when you stop while riding a bike, during any season, it’s literally illegal to leave ’em unchaperoned for even a minute. And, esp come wintertime, they can’t run too hard, for too long. Choice? Drag ’em by the neck and get arrested by the karma police, or the normal police, or…buy a dog bike trailer.

They actually exist. They’re just like bike trailers for children, only simpler.

But what’s best? The Bob Ibex or Yak? The calassic Burley? You want light, you want cool, you want something that is easily visible so you won’t get run over, you want something easy to hitch on and unhitch, you want something affordable, durable and ideally made in the US of A, not China or other such country where labor laws are weak, at best, and it takes a hundred gallons of oil just to get it halfway back to your local bike shop.

Comment below with your fave solutions for ideal combo of 1) style, 2) affordability and 3) function (lightweight plus quality-built) and EC) fair-labor, locallyish-made…and I’ll add photos and links and info to this blog until I decide once and for all and make a purchase myself, probably about a month from now (after I’ve sold a few more web ads).


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