November 5, 2008

Meditation ain’t about Escape. Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche.

“The Buddha taught that to wake up from the dream of bewilderment and suffering, we first need to sit still and take a deep breath.  Peaceful abiding is that deep breath, a way to strip away the chaos of bewilderment and find some basic sanity.  But peaceful abiding is only the beginning of the spiritual journey.  Simply withdrawing into the stability of our own minds could turn meditation practice into just another way to shop for pleasure.  Instead, with this healthy sense of self we can look more deeply into the meaning of our being.  We can take meditation further by using insight, vipashyana in Sanskrit, to reflect accurately on our own experience and on the nature of existence.”  –Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, in Turning the Mind into an Ally 


~ The above quote was found courtesy the below announcement.

Shambhala Online continues its series of one-hour monthly online sessions with different Shambhala acharyas. These sessions  provide an opportunity for you to have direct interaction with an acharya, to discuss questions about Shambhala, the dharma, your practice or anything else on your mind.

The next session, “Ask an Acharya about Vipashyana”, with Acharya Gaylon Ferguson, will take place on Sunday, November 9th at 3 p.m. Atlantic  (2 p.m. Eastern, 1 p.m. Central, 12 noon Mountain, 11 a.m. Pacific, 19h00 GMT, 20h00 Cologne, 21h00 Athens)

You will need a computer and high speed internet connection to join. Participating with a webcam and microphone is best, but people may simply type their comments and questions if they do not have this equipment.

Please go to Shambhala Online website for more information and to register for this online program. 

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