November 21, 2008

Non toxic, green, eco children & baby Holiday Christmas gifts presents?

Michelle Munro wrote at 3:56pm:

Happy hello from cold Halifax! I was just wondering if you have any recommendations for “green” toys this holiday season? I get Mothering magazine and they just had their toy issue and I was wondering if elephant has some suggestion to?

Cheers! ~ MM    

Great question. I know of a company called plantoys.com and another one called realbaby.com that have a ton of good eco, non toxic baby and children’s toys…I’m still partial to Legos, myself! And good books! Edward Eager and Bill Peet and Tintin and…of course…Babar are great, depending on age (by your profile pic, I’m thinking you’re thinking young!). Any other thoughts, elephantians? Just comment below.

Yours, the Management.

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