December 4, 2008

Crispin Porter might be big cool hipster firm—still, in age of Michael Pollan/slow food vs GMOs/obesity/diabetes, they’re still selling ideas to highest bidder.

I think what this blog thinks about Boulder-based Crispin Porter Bugusky‘s latest campaign for Burger King, “Whopper Virgins.” Feeling hungry for food for thought?

Check it out for depressing video and write-up. Excerpt:

…Let’s spread poor dietary habits, massive calorie intake and rampant consumerism to the far reaches of the globe via an online campaign called Whopper Virgins. Yum. Norman Douglas said that: “You can tell the ideals of a nation by its advertisements.” What does this campaign say about the United States?

How tasteless is Burger King, CP+B and America going to be…Check the video… with the faux documentary vibe and authoritative voice over…for all of those people who believe all press is good press? Think again. In today’s Obama/green/new feminist/Michael Pollan age – getting reamed for pushing fast food on remote populations of the earth ain’t a good thing. No sir…

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