December 26, 2008

For the Eco Modernist: Global Warming, the Rug. [Greenupgrader.com

First there was VP Gore’s Inconvenient Truth. Then, Hurricane Katrina…and now, just a few years later, the Green movement has taken off—making solar, wind, Whole Foods, reusable shopping bags and programmable thermostats all the eco rage. But…something was missing.

Enter Global Warming: The Rug.

I’m not kidding. This 100% wool rug is made far away, so buying it and getting it shipped all this way might not be the most eco-responsible thing to do…still, it serves as a great, stylish, simple, ominous reminder of the climate change we—you and you and you and you and I—are causing, even now.

It’s gorgeous—and, however green it is or isn’t, it certainly serves as a powerful, cool, evocative reminder of the changes our consuming and polluting ways are working upon our own ecosystem.

“Following the age-old tradition of using rugs as a means for communication and a cultural record, NEL is portraying global warming in a scene that invites us to reflect on our impact on today’s world.”

For more, go to Greenupgrader: click here.

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