December 20, 2008

South Park does Alan Watts.

Bonus: This Alan Watts quote on love stopped me dead in my tracks.

“Is it only when you’re in love with another person that you see them as they really are? And in the ordinary way, when you’re not in love, you see only a fragmented version of that being? Because when you’re in love with someone, you do indeed see them as a divine being. And suppose that’s what they are, truly. And your eyes have, by your beloved, been opened. If you should be so fortunate as to encounter this spiritual experience, it seems to me to be a total denial of life to refuse it.”



I’ve been waiting a long time to unleash this one on elephant…with half a million views, the weirdness of South Park meets the eloquent, witty, practical Zen wisdom of Alan Watts.


Here’s a cool one by I don’t know who:

Here’s a great one by the man himself on Work as Play:

Another weird cool one. Weird:

Bonus. Chill, shut up, sit down and watch this:

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