January 7, 2009

Corepower Yoga Videos: Virabhadrasana III, Crow Pose, Ardha Chandrasana, Prasarita Padottanasana, Halasana.

I’ve known the Corepower folks since I started up with elephant, way back in 2002 when half my staff was still in high school. They were just starting up, too, back in the Golden Days or Wild West of the fast-moving yoga craze. Now, six-point-five years later, we made be a little older and more mature, Brandon may be in CA, we may have our fancy web sites and talk shows and podcasts and videos and whatnot…but the bottomline is, for them, still the same.

Teach. Yoga. And that’s just what these videos do. So limber up, step away from the computer or desk, and work on a couple easy poses. Your body—and mind, and co-workers—will thank you. 


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