January 23, 2009

Favor? Have two new Huffington Post blogs: on yoga [Seane Corn, Richard Fremena, Patricia Walden, Rodney Yee, Cyndi Lee, Elena Brower, Tara Stiles], and a short one of Anthony Bourdain calling out Alice Waters …need your comments.

Favor? Would you comment here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/waylon-lewis/top-20-yoga-youtube-video_b_160171.html and say which video you like best and then if so inspired forward it to your friends? I want to get like 50 comments on this one, Huff Post judges me based on number of comments.


UPDATE: I just did a new little one on my foodie idol Anthony Bourdain telling Alice Waters (my green foodie idol) to shut the eff up: http://adjix.com/c69q please comment, be mean and nasty or nice and sweet, just say whatchu think and I’ll owe you one. Call me on it.

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