January 6, 2009

Four ways to support elephantjournal.com (pass it on)

We’ve made it through the first three months, thanks to the brave, generous and (I’d like to think) savvy advertisers who jumped in early on our already-strong traffic and still-weak prices. But now, the next two or three months will decide if elephantjournal.com keeps pumping out articles, interviews, videos, talk show and events…or no. If we make it through this no-man’s-land transition from magazine to paperless, we’ll be sustainable. If we don’t, can’t say we all didn’t try. Want to help, whether you’re a reader or a business owner?

1) advertise. Can’t advertise? There’s three other ways to help:

2) support us by forwarding this post to your friends and posting it to your facebook, 

3) subscribing to our (free) weekly newsletter, or

4) making us your home page (traffic = advertisers).


Dear Mindful Lifers,

Advertise on elephant and you’re a) not only reaching 48,000 unique visitors monthly…who go to 2x pages on average each…b) you’re getting a clickable ad on every page of our web site, and included in our weekly email newsletter…

…but c) just as importantly, you’re supporting activist, independent, eco/mindful-focused get-out-the-word on enlightened community journalism. Without advertising (we’re free to our readers), we don’t continue to publish.

The transfer from web to print is going well—we’re already reaching far more readers now that we’ve gone paperless—and we’ve survived the first three hardest months of transition. Still, we need about 10 new advertisers a month for the next three months or our new bills and old debts (to staff, taxes, printers, god bless ’em) will bury us.

Want to advertise and support and be supported by us? Send ad or logo, where you want the ad to click to, and take one of our cheapest ads: as low as $150 a month.

Anyone who joins this month will get an article or review devoted to them—of course we’ll say what we think, be honest, but that’s the only reason we have such avid, loyal readers, which is good for you too.

Yours in surviving the next three months and helping others and the planet and having a good time doing so,

Waylon Lewis

PPS: Please support our existing, trailblazing advertisers who got us started in cyberspace the last two months! Click on their ads, check ’em out.

PPPS: Why support elephant? I hope, because you want to see many, many more posts like these:



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