January 8, 2009

I got a Green Crush on…Tara Stiles. [#7]

Orange Crush? That’s so 80s. This is the 00’s, baby…barely…and we got a whole new set of concerns. Chief among them is climate change, and energy independence, and the loss of spiritual tradition in everyday modern life. So my first few Green Crushes…ecofashion designer Lauren Bush at #8, yoga teacher (and cover model) Malachi Melville at #9, green race car driver Leilani Munter at #10…are all subject to my idolatry not just because they’re gorgeous—there’s thousands of gorgeous men and women everywhere, but because they’re dedicating their daily efforts to ‘being of benefit to themselves, others and our planet’—the Buddhist troika.

Coming in at number seven…Tara Stiles.

A former dancer and still-model, she’s bringing yoga to the masses. Click here to subscribe. She’s charming, open, fun, and working her (yoga) butt off—writing for Huffington Post, doing frequent, oft-topical videos on everything from Yoga for Beginners, Yoga for Sex, Yoga for Waking Up, Yoga for Waking Up with a Hangover, Yoga for Sarah Palin (she often uses news of the day to inspire her routines).

But beyond being beautiful, and working to make yoga accessible to non-spiritual types who might just want to help their back relax, she’s clearly driven. And that’s where I fall for her—anyone who sees themselves 1) getting famous, fast and 2) using said fame for good is 3) gonna make my list.

And stay tuned for the elephant journal dot com ladies’ series of Green Guy Crushes, they’ve already done one on Adrian Grenier of Entourage and Alter Eco, and another on one of the hobbits from Lord of the Rings. And yes, folks, if anyone out there has some gay or lesbian crushes, write ’em up and send ’em in, we’ll be honored to post it. Just remember—we here in ‘the mindful life’ circles aim to redefine love not merely based on attraction, but because your favorite hottie is also earning their oxygen.

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