January 24, 2009

The Aging Barack Obama Art Kit ~ Buy it for your kids! [Rick Mercer Report]

A half-dozen friends, including Obama himself, have remarked on how much older our new President looks than four years ago, when he gave that speech at Kerry’s DNC. Or even two years ago, when the campaign started. Now, at only 47, Obama’s got gray to go with his black hair…he’s still looking good, but will he be wrinkled by the sands of time as were Clinton and Bush before him?

We all know stress, and not sleeping enough, seem to draw the life out of us. So here’s to Obama not only working hard for all Americans, but working smart. Remember Reagan’s famous don’t-work-nights anecdote:

”Well, Jim,” he told chief of staff James Baker, explaining why he hadn’t opened the briefing book for the Colonial Williamsburg economic summit, ”The Sound of Music was on last night.” (Reagan watched two films on each of his 183 weekends at Camp David.)

Of course, Reagan was reputed to have gone half-daft while still in office.

The below video comes courtesy Canada’s Jon Stewart parallel universe double, Rick Mercer:


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