January 23, 2009

The Moth: Storytelling for Hipsters.

I’ve never been, but my pal Ted Rose told me about The Moth a few years back. I got the below emial the other day, and figured I’d include a little vid and—for those of you in NYC—encourage you to check it out personally—for those of you elsewhere, check out the podcast, info below:

The Moth is a not-for-profit storytelling organization in New York and Los Angeles, which sponsors storytelling events and incidentally has a podcast. I recently subscribed to the podcast, and was amazed to find that the most recent download (as of last week) was “Alternate Ithaca Tom” by our own Tom Weiser. Highly erudite, funny and heartbreaking – Tom in a nutshell, for 12 minutes. He gave me permission to publicize this, and said, “It’s pretty much my life”. Please enjoy at http://www.themoth.org/podcast. (Apparently the only way to get the story is via podcast, so you’ll have to subscribe and download it into Itunes or some other more esoteric medium.)



A few videos about or of the Moth:

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