My good friend Seth sent me a link to an unqualified website called ““… sounds mundane… what could it be?
To my surprise, i opened my eyes to The Shitbox!
To the untrained eye, this may look like a simple cardboard box. But to the trained eye, it’s a world of poo’ing possibilities! The Shitbox is a portable cardboard toilet, so if you find yourself in the woods or at a music festival… you now have a green way to go to browntown! Aside from the thrill of the portable throne, you can drop a deuce in a totally green way… using the 10 included biodegradable “poo bags”. The end product, you ask? An easy way to go for 2 in a pinch!
The only question I have about this 70% recycled shite thrower… what is this biodegradable “poo bag” made of? And is the additive that makes it degrade, P-Life, good for the earth? That’s a question we at Elephant may have to answer… if you’re listening Mr. Shitboxer, throw a sample our way!
Sorry for the poop humor, it’s simply irresistible!
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