It was Sunday,
and we wanted to feel like we had a new apartment
without having to move,
so we decided to rearrange the furniture.
Mommy goes really fast!
Sweeping behind stuff we found some treasures
(a lot can be found in a handful of earth).
The Revolution is about reconciling with the mother.
(and making mix tapes for each other)
She wants what’s best for you,
And she knows that two hearts are better
to get through the winter.
“Oh, how I could level off my heart
after each dynasty’s crash;
fill in the old chambers with gravel
so that the new floors would never collapse.
I would plant handmade forests
of pine, eukalyptus and tamarisk
on the fertile farmlands of armageddon.
New cities gleam over ruin;
we build kingdoms
on a foundation of trial sites.
Have you seen the Revolution yet?
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