February 4, 2009

1% for the Planet: “One of the best things I have ever done.” ~ Yvon Chouinard of Patagonia.

Yvon Chouinard of Patagonia, along with co-founder Craig Mathews and CEO Terry Kellogg, head up 1% for the Planet, a cooperative member organization that helps companies market their green efforts, support local green organizations, and pay an ‘earth tax’ back to the planet that makes all of our businesses possible.

As the web site says, “There’s no business to be done of a dead planet.”

Since 2002, 1% For The Planet has inspired members of the business community to contribute 1% of sales to environmental groups around the world. In return, this growing alliance of companies is given the opportunity not only to see their self-worth rise, but their net worth climb as well.


1% for the Planet Promotional Video – members mentioned from Kate Mitchell on Vimeo.

1% for the Planet – second launch from 1% for the Planet on Vimeo.

Tom Brokaw, Yvon Chouinard, and Craig Mathews talk 1% For the Planet from coreindustries on Vimeo.

Three Dollar Bridge from felt soul on Vimeo.

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