February 16, 2009

Best Buddhist Blogs (?)

I just came upon this post on Tricycle, a leading Buddhist magazine, that lists their favorite Buddhist blogs. Clicking on their recommended Buddhist Blogs, there’s plenty of good content to be found, which is the important thing—that said none of ’em are getting much if any traffic, most have no design sense, and most of ’em are subdomains (xxxxxdotblogspot.com etc.). If these are the best, I wouldn’t like to see a list of mediocre sites. 

Still, Trike hit upon a few I know and love—Worsthorse and Rev. Danny Fisher among ’em. Considering that any web site worth its weight in pixels has a blog element to it, what are the best Buddhist blogs out there? The only ones I presently, personally read are Chronicle Project, Shambhala.org, Shambhalasun.com and Tricycle.com (along with the two mentioned above). Oh, and elephantjournal.com—check ’em out sometime—not now, I know you’re busy, but sometime. Great stuff.

So who do you love? Comment below and share with the whole wide world wide web. Based on the comments, I’ll put together a new list that better reflects the wide-range of American Buddhist writing online, and delete the (?) in the title.

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