February 7, 2009

Drugs in Milk, Cheese, other Dairy? Just Say No.

Good news: you can put Cabot on your safe to shop list.

I used to live in Vermont, and looooved Cabot Cheese. I even toured their HQ with a bunch of fellow Buddhist tikes. So I’m glad to hear they’re officially joined the list of dairies banning rgBH or rBGH or whatever that growth hormone crap is…I don’t want to know…I don’t want it. If you want to know more about it, click here. This excerpt is a testament to the power of conscious consumerism—ie, educated, caring shoppers driving the market, and not the other way around:

Cabot sales were at risk, and we were going to lose markets if we continued to accept milk from rbST-treated cows…Agri-Mark waited as long as it could to close the door on rbST, but the pressures coming back from consumers and retailers forced the cooperative to protect its Cabot brand.

I’m still wondering, however: does plastic wrap on cheese leech? Someone told me it did, and I haven’t been buying cheese, as a result, for a couple weeks now. Seems silly but I don’t want to be ingesting any more plastic crap than I already am.

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