February 9, 2009

Why Put Toilet Seat (and Lid) Down? Because Mom (and Feng Shui) Says So.

I was raised by a single mom, so it’s a matter of habit. Most husbands and boyfriends out there have probably been similarly trained. But I’m always struck at how few gents put the lid down when I have parties or dinners at my house—and I say to myself,

Self, why do you put the lid down?

It’s not just ’cause momma told me to.

It’s because, in feng shui, water symbolizes wealth, career. Flushing wealth down a pipe is bad enough…so, from a feng shui p.o.v, covering it with a lid lessens the visual, and therefore the symbolic impact—just as hanging a mobile, bell, mirror, crystal or a plant or a Noren (doorway Japanese curtain), break up the flow of the mind’s speed.

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Photo at top: “The most famous toilet in Rock n’Roll, inducing instant constipation in club-goers for decades.” CBGB.

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