February 14, 2009

Obama: “I’m open to any advice, whether it comes from a Democrat, Republican or Vegetarian.”

Remember sloppy joes? Burgers that looked like they’d been dead since the prior decade? Chicken and fish sticks that had disappeared into golden fatty fried oil? Mmmmmm…school lunch, oh how I don’t miss you.

We’ve all thought about the horrible effect school lunches have on our children’s health. (What we got here is the obese-est generation in history). But have you thought about the ecoimpact of our school lunches? Below is a simple idea that would solve both conundrums before you can say Eat Food, Not too Much, Mostly Plants.

This just in from our veggie vegan celeb-obsessed eco friends over Ecorazzi:


Earlier this week, President Obama said that he was “open to any idea, whether it comes from a Democrat or a Republican or a vegetarian.” Guess who was listening?

PETA President Ingrid E. Newkirk has sent a letter to the White House urging the Obama administration to take a closer look at school lunches — and send them in a more veggie direction. “Teaching our children the benefits of vegetarian meals would save animals, help stop climate change, and help keep kids at a healthy weight as well as help them avoid our nation’s biggest and most costly killers—cancer, heart disease, and obesity,” she writes. “If promoting a vegetarian diet isn’t already part of the proposed stimulus package, it should be.”

I couldn’t agree more. I have no idea what the state of school lunches is like today, but 12 years ago I remember it being a mostly meaty affair. Would be great to see much more emphasis on local, organic, and vegetarian dishes for the nation’s children.


February 12, 2009
The Honorable Barack Obama
President of the United States
The White House
Dear Mr. President,

On behalf of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and our more than 2 million members and supporters, thank you for saying that your administration is open to any idea, whether from “a Democrat or a Republican or a vegetarian.” May I suggest an idea that would indisputably bolster the economy, reduce work days lost, improve the health of our nation’s children, reduce medical costs, and spare millions of animals from needless suffering? Please direct the U.S. Department of Agriculture to…

…click over to Ecorazzi for the rest.

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