February 16, 2009

Rick Mercer celebrates the Chinese New Year. Video.

In 1985, or something, my parents’ Buddhist teacher, Chogyam Trungpa, decided to move the HQ or ‘capitol’ of his American Buddhist community to Canada. Halifax, to be exact. Within a few years, my mom had joined the burgeoning community up there—a community that was, with its many businesses, a first organic grocery store, fine/fun restaurants and cafes, found itself welcomed with open arms by the economically-depressed, sick-of-their-own-food Haligonians. 

And so I would up spending some time, now and again, up in Halifax—and through Buddhist slash Canadian comedic star Cathy Jones (who I’d done a Dathun with, at Karme Choling in Vermont, way back in…1992?), I got to take a girlfriend (or some friends, I don’t remember, this is wayyy back in my youth) to Canada’s SNL, called “This Hour has 22 Minutes.” Cathy was one of the stars of the show, along with a young man by the name of Rick Mercer.

Years later, Rick shoved off on his own, and has since become Canada’s Jon Stewart—smart, funny, vicious with a smile, a man more powerful in politics than just about any representative. Here he visits Toronto’s Chinatown for a little cultural intrique, and requisite trouble-making.


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