March 15, 2009

Mindful Speech & Elocution in Buddhist tradition.

How to use our speech to synchronize our body and mind in harmony, instead of creating strife.

1. Speak Slowly

2. Enunciate Clearly

3. Listen to yourself.

4. Listen to Others

5. Regard Silence as a Part of Speech

6. Speak Concisely, or Simply, or something like that.


Growing up in Trungpa Rinpoche’s American Buddhist community, we practiced elocution (speaking precisely, with power and beauty) and studied the six aspects of Mindful Speech. It’s been a long time, and I don’t remember their exact wording, but whenever I find myself speaking quickly and saying um and ah and like and whatever I remember them, and they bring me back from speediness and spinning my wheels to mindfulness, and communication as a two-way street. Does anyone have anything to add about these, and/or more precise wording?


For more:

Why elephant hearts Satish Kumar.

Six Points of Mindful Speech for Business & Relationships.

Confident People Communicate this Way (Most of us Forget to do This).

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