April 1, 2009

Republican in charge of Climate Change policy: Dark Ages, mini-ice ages and European grape and berry picking are fine. Unemployment is not. [Pinko Mag]

Holy Shiite is Right.

Via our palz over at Pinko Mag—one of my fave web site discoveries of the last six mos. Well, at least Mr. Republican (below) ‘believes’ in Climate Change…even if he don’t figure it’s our problem, or that we need to do much of anything about it. Excerpt via Pinko’s Ben Wyskida:

This video is the leading Republican congressperson responsible for energy and climate. His statement on global warming is about how humanity is just going to adapt, complete with references to the Dark Ages, mini-ice ages and European grape and berry picking. “We will have trouble adapting to unemployment…for the rest, click here.

Video in question:

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