Something old…
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When I was just a little younger
I used to make cuffs out of tin foil,
so I could become Wonder Woman.
…today, as I was working on O’s CUffs, I started thinking about my friend, Sarahdawn…
When I gave her her cuffs, she gave me a basil plant and her high school jewelry.
Now her stuff is vital to this project.
(… do you see your stuff?)
A few months ago, she gave me a book about a mosiac artist.
It’s really what I’m doing…
(It’s so nice to have friends who understand you*)
The big star had once been home to a spider’s nest!
we thought that was good…
Today as I was working on Obama’s cuffs, I found two former spiders nests!
“Like Peter Pan, or Superman, you will come to Save Me*”
~Aimee Mann
When we get to #44, Obama gets CUffs!
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