April 4, 2009

elephantjournal.com traffic report #4.

elephantjournal.com is by far the strongest in Colorado, followed by CA, then NY, then…Texas?

elephantjournal.com traffic report #4.

Whenever I get enough requests for info as to our traffic, I like to take the time to really check it out, compare it with competitors and friends, see how we’re doing. Here’s our basic stats as of yesterday according to Google Analytics, which is conservative and trustworthy (when someone tells you you can get to number one in search engines through a little SEO magic, or that they get 1.5 million hits a month, that’s unfortunately meaningless). Unique Visitors is the main number you want, along with pages visited, loyalty.

The below chart only goes through February, and we’ve been growing on average 20% a month:

Every month I measure ourselves against random competitors/friends in similar demographics, or different demographics who are doing similar things technologically. Here’s us up against Boulder-connected tech gods, web superstars joshspear.com and andrewhyde.net.

As you can see, we didn’t even exist until last summer…and our last print magazine issue didn’t leave shelves until two months’ back. Green is Big Stuff Josh Spear, Blue is Andrew the God of Boulder Tech, and orange is your favorite (we hope) little web site that could:

As previously reported, we’ve just hit 2,000 Twitter Followers. Follow us—it’s actually cool out there in Twitterville, ‘specially if you’re using tweetdeck. While our new Facebook page is at only 700, our old group at 1000, and my personal FB list is at 2400 (if you wanna be friends, please include message so I know who/what you are—I always have 100 folks who I don’t know whiling away on my friends request page).

We’re getting there, for sure…still, you ain’t seen nothing yet. We’re already bigger than Shambhala Sun and Tricycle online. Before the year’s out I’d like to be up with ecorazzi.com, grist.org, and nipping at the heels of Treehugger, which stands above us all. That said, the other sites I admire and read, I got nothing but good wishes toward ’em—we need all the help we can get, all of us, if we’re gonna better this world. Party on—

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