60 Minutes: Obama, Background Checks, Outgunned Police and ‘Reasonable’ Gun Control vs. NRA, Assault Weapons, Columbine & Virginia Tech.
This is what TV could be, all the time. Quality, investigative, fair and balanced—truly—yet with a distinct point of view.
60 Minutes, which my first love’s stepdad used to watch religiously back in high school, is a TV tradition or lineage that would do Edward R. Murrow proud. Tonight I happened to watch it for one of the first times in awhile…and three programs in a row blew me away.
The first, on Gun Control vs. the Gun Lobby, showed that Obama’s support of reasonable gun control—making assault weapons illegal once again, so as to keep our streets and the police who watch over them safer—is met with vehement resistance in many parts of the country including Virginia—where the mentally ill or a felon can walk into a gun show and, without showing ID, buy 15 guns including ammo in as many minutes.
As the NRA loves to say, it’s true that guns don’t kill people—people kill people. That said, for those who remember Columbine, Virginia Tech or a too long list of other recent gun-related tragedies, guns sure do make it easy for people to kill people.
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And here’s an anti Gun Control video:
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