May 7, 2009

“Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis” More photos to come. Videos are live!

Update: Ecofashion show and Titans of Tech and music with Paper Bird videos are now available. More photos on this blog will be added next week.

Update: I failed to give proper photo credit (wrist slap!)…but the photo above and those (amazing) photos below that say “Steve Z Photography” are indeed by Steve Z Photography, with thanks. His site is great, check out his work on weddings, etc. Also a pleasure to work with, definitely recommend him. Other photos are via the interviewees and friends and were sent via twitter or twitpic. 

Update: click here for John Friend video. Also, a beautiful new blog by Larkin Carey (!), one of our hottie man models in our ecofashion show ft. prAna and Znerold.

Update: click here for our rough cut of video with Top Chef Hosea Rosenberg.

It was great. Interviews with Top Chef Hosea Rosenberg, Anusara yoga’s John Friend, Titans of Tech Panel including Micah Baldwin, Brad Feld, Gwen Bell (click for her bee-yu-tiful blog about Walk the Talk Show) and Jeffrey Kalmikoff (of Threadless); Boulder Ballet; ecofashion show featuring Rachel Znerold and prAna, music via Paper Bird, creative fun via ArtDistrict and an EcoExpo and abbreviated afterparty (our show went long) in the historic, green-powered Boulder Theater.

Photo and video updates will go out via @elephantjournal

We had 400 folks, wouldn’t mind 400 more…or a smaller venue, ala Jon Stewart etc who have 200 or 250 seats. We were rusty, it was our first big blowout in awhile, but the interviews went well, I think. The videos will be done soon and available on this here blog, so come on back now y’hear?

Superhot ecofashion show, best yet I think (courtesy Urban Pearl & Jen Murphy and Tia Dienes for Afterglow Cosmetics); great music by the lovely hippiesters Paper Bird, great crowd (we had an active live twitter feed on screen, see below), and nice to be in front of crowd again, I definitely like it up there!

That said, exhausting, went to bed at 4 am, the show (a month of work) didn’t make (or lose) money. It did get us some great videos which will do well on Huffington Post, PR Newswire, Intent.com and elephantjournal.com I think, and we got a ton of press which is always good for expanding the brand…but I’m in a bad way financially right now so am trying to breathe, not think too much, and get through the next month without closing down. 

With Thanks…

…to the huge press we got: The Onion sponsored two half page ads (designed by the inimitable Tomolini), The Daily Camera featured us as Pick of the Week (twice in one week!?), Colorado Daily featured Walk the Talk as Pick of the Day, 5280 gave us a glowing review the day of, Westword gave us a prominent pre-review the week before, Examiner.com, and thanks are due as well to all the great twitterers out there who RTd our show. Art District did some crazy art stuff, we’ll have photos soon. They wish to thank: CHaRM at EcoCycle, Alan O’Hashi, Josh Haimes, Joaquin Espinosa.

Micah Baldwin had some eloquent commentary on his blog. Excerpt:

Tonight, I had the pleasure of participating on the Titans of Tech panel during theElephantJournal.com’s Walk The Talk Show.

Here is the scene: BradJeffrey and me sitting at a table with Hosea (winner of the Top Chef competition and Head Chef at Jax…whew thats a long name drop!) surrounded by 400 people who participate in the yoga lifestyle (Still not sure 100% what that is).

After a performance and a great interview of Hosea, Brad, Jeffrey and I were joined by Gwen on stage for an interview by Waylon. (I have decided to stop using last names. They are so January 2009).

Here is how it went (at least how my muddled brain remembers it):

Waylon: “Hey Micah, do you do anything good for the world? Does technology?”

Micah: “OMG WTF LOL!”

Waylon: “Hey Micah, in yoga language, what makes technology important?”

Micah: “Namaste. Yoga butt.”

Waylon: “Hey Micah, are you going to let other people talk?”

Micah: “There are other people?”

Ok, I kid. In truth, we had a very interesting, albeit short discussion around technology and its effect on the world. Here are the highlights:

The tech community, is a community first. People seem to forget that. Because the majority of the tech community is made up of Nerds and Geeks, who by definition tended to be loners, are extremely accepting of anyone that is interested in being a part of the community. There is no committment to being part of the community, other than being accepting of people.

Boulder is a weird place that loves weird people. Weird people love weird places. Entrepreneurs tend to be weird, so Boulder tends to be a great fit.

Technology is just a tool. It is no different than a yoga mat (or so I assume)…

…for the rest, go to Micah Baldwin’s blog.


Gwen Bell, a featured Titan of Tech, just posted a wonderful writeup of Walk the Talk Show, and (whether she knew it or not) including commentary on the origin of elephant’s name:

The Rhubarb, The Elephant & The Practice of Life

In various versions of the tale, a group of blind men (or men in the dark) touch an elephant to learn what it is like. Each one touches a different part, but only one part, such as the side or the tusk. They then compare notes on what they felt, and learn they are in complete disagreement….

Backstage with Waylon Lewis, the pre-show rundown started. As panelists and speakers and singers filtered in and out of the green room, Heather, one of coordinators for the first Walk the Talk Show, began at the top. The Colorado Ballet would open with a three minute set. The Deputy Mayor would welcome the audience. Next up was an interview with Paper Bird. Heather made it clear that the interviews were to be conversations, not monologues. We nodded. No mic hogs.

When John Friend, leader of the Anusara yoga movement, entered the room, you could see Waylon become visibly excited. He vigorously waved the rhubarb he was clutching. Then he asked an assistant to go wash it for him. A long, obscenely purplish rhubarb. She took it from him and left the green room, returning a few minutes later with a wet rhubarb. Yes, it appears Waylon Lewis has a Rhubarb Washer on staff.

If I could imagine spending a night inside Waylon Lewis’s head, it would have gone like The Walk the Talk Show went. A little bit of everything:

– dance
– interview with Top Chef Hosea about over-fishing
– musical performance by the lovely Paper Bird (I bought the t-shirt and the cd)
– video from the Sundance Film Festival about SUVs
– interview with some ‘Titans of Tech’ (MicahJeffrey KalmikoffBrad Feldand me) about community and practice
– interview with John Friend about “what does this all mean?”
– eco fashion show

Perhaps the persistent question of the show was (and maybe this is Waylon’s personal persistent question) – what is the purpose of all of this? Why are we bothering? Why yoga, why tech, why SUVs, why fashion, why green, why mindful, why eco?

How to best answer that question? Let’s go back to the roots of Elephant Journal, to what it means to have a mindful life.

From the Wikipedia entry on the “Blind Men and the Elephant,”

“The story of the blind men and an elephant originated from India…

…for the rest, and it’s well worth it, go to Gwen Bell’s blog.


Photos coming. Quotes coming. Here’s one via Twitter (search #walkthetalk)

Waylon: “typical dish on Top Chef was fois gras wrapped in dead baby duck dipped in swine…flu”
Hosea: “It’s not always dead”

[galleria thumb_w=120 thumb_h=90 thumbnail=”bottom” navigation=’none’ ]



We did a live twitter feed in between interviews. Here’s a sampling (#walkthetalk)

Realtime results for walkthetalk

davekennedy: @highsteph ~ gr8 nite 4 sure! the combo of @elephantjournal ‘s vision 4 #walkthetalk was really RAD: Tech, Eco-Fashion, Foodie’s/Top-Chef’s
23 minutes ago from TweetDeck · Reply · View Tweet · Show Conversation

elephantjournal: RT @loladenver: RT @bigredf #walkthetalk Top Chef Hosea mentions sustainability dinner @loladenver details http://bit.ly/MzT8f (expand)
about 1 hour ago from TweetDeck · Reply · View Tweet

mitomedia: finishing early for the day. #walkthetalk footage from the @elephantjournal event is now captured and ready to be edited.
about 2 hours ago from TweetDeck · Reply · View Tweet

loladenver: RT @bigredf #walkthetalk hosea mentions sustainability dinner @loladenver details www.loladenver.com
about 5 hours ago  

elephantjournal: RT @bryanthatcher: RT @micah: “Just Like A Yoga Mat.” http://bit.ly/1akNoZ (expand) fun stuff. thanks @elephantjournal #walkthetalk, nice!!
about 7 hours ago from TweetDeck · Reply · View Tweet

tcabeen: @elephantjournal sorry I missed #walkthetalk. But I DID find a carpool to work. So that’s a win.
about 7 hours ago  

scotta_yoga: Just got home from an incredible drive to Boulder for @elephantjournal #walkthetalk and dinner at Frasca with gr8 peeps n tweeps. g’night.
about 14 hours ago from TweetDeck · Reply · View Tweet

micah: @mitomedia thanks! Waylon is a character, and I am glad Boulder has him. #walkthetalk
about 16 hours ago from Nambu · Reply · View Tweet · Show Conversation

davekennedy: one regret from tonights #walkthetalk extravaganza not getting a chance to hear more of @gwenbell a fresh perspective in a male Dom culture
about 16 hours ago  

mitomedia: @micah Nice job tonight at #walkthetalk, it’s hard to get a word in with Waylon talking
about 16 hours ago   · Show Conversation

bryanthatcher: RT @micah: here is what I did tonight. Just Like A Yoga Mat. http://bit.ly/1akNoZ (expand) fun stuff. thanks @elephantjournal #walkthetalk, nice!!
about 16 hours ago from TweetDeck · Reply · View Tweet

micah: here is what I did tonight. Just Like A Yoga Mat. http://bit.ly/1akNoZ (expand) fun stuff. thanks @elephantjournal #walkthetalk
about 16 hours ago  

clpreg: great time at #walkthetalk tonight. this city is great – so good to be back and feeling like one of the cool-kid boulderites already.
about 16 hours ago from TweetDeck · Reply · View Tweet

davekennedy: totally inspiring connection made post #walkthetalk w/@daverogers @waylonlewis: Boulder is bursting w/creativity in a heartfelt sorta way ;~
about 16 hours ago  

elephantjournal: RT @gwenbell: Gr8 fellow panelists @micah @bfeld & @jeffrey. Now @waylonlewis interviews John Friend. #walkthetalk http://twitpic.com/4p8un
about 17 hours ago from TweetDeck · Reply · View Tweet
T @bwyman: Apparently the titans of tech are seated in width order. #walkthetalk http://twitpic.com/4p713
about 17 hours ago from TweetDeck · Reply · View Tweet

elephantjournal: RT @bigredf: #walkthetalk hosea mentions sustainability dinner @loladenver details www.loladenver.com
about 17 hours ago from TweetDeck · Reply · View Tweet

elephantjournal: @davekennedy god bless DK 4 reconnecting ele w John Friend. Big warm heart, gr8 interview as always. #walkthetalk
about 17 hours ago from TweetDeck · Reply · View Tweet · Show Conversation

davekennedy: and the beat goes on @elephantjournal ‘s #walkthetalk prAna Boulder kula NoW rAwking the Eco-fashion show So much Nrg & creativity ;~
about 18 hours ago  

NNUS: RT @davekennedy @elephantjournal #walkthetalk show pulling off the unlikely ~ politics, fashion, tech, yoga *Bravo
about 18 hours ago  

davekennedy: @elephantjournal #walkthetalk show pulling off the unlikely ~ politics, fashion, tech, yoga *Bravo
about 18 hours ago   · Show Conversation

davekennedy: @elephantjournal #walkthetalk show is being serenaded by the ultra sweet harmony of Colorado’s own Paper Bird gr8 nite of diversity
about 18 hours ago   · Show Conversation

julieannstorr: Paperbird 7 piece band playing @boulder_theater #walkthetalk great sound guys! – Photo: http://bkite.com/07dG2
about 18 hours ago from Brightkite · Reply · View Tweet

BrettGreene: Great show Waylon @elephant – thanks for putting it on #walkthetalk
about 18 hours ago  

bigredf: #walkthetalk hosea mentions sustainability dinner @loladenver details www.loladenver.com
about 18 hours ago from mobile web · Reply · View Tweet

jay_diggity: I got a direct message feom Waylon Lewis while he was interviewing john friend onstage at bldr theater. How did he do that? #walkthetalk
about 18 hours ago  

bwyman: OH: “how do we take responsibilty for our own karma?” … “you know, just real quick.” #walkthetalk
about 18 hours ago  

micah: The cool thing about being at the #walkthetalk event is the learning and people. Boulder=Passion. I don’t see this anywhere else.
about 18 hours ago  

davekennedy: #walkthetalk ~ @bfeld @micah @anusarafriend interestingly enough talking very much the same story: being in community, being connected ;~
about 18 hours ago  

davekennedy: #walkthetalk ~@bfeld @micah & the whole start up community here Boulder seem so passionate & engaged. the bleeding edge yet approachable ;~T @bwyman: Apparently the titans of tech are seated in width order. #walkthetalk http://twitpic.com/4p713
about 17 hours ago from TweetDeck · Reply · View Tweet

elephantjournal: RT @bigredf: #walkthetalk hosea mentions sustainability dinner @loladenver details www.loladenver.com
about 17 hours ago from TweetDeck · Reply · View Tweet

elephantjournal: @davekennedy god bless DK 4 reconnecting ele w John Friend. Big warm heart, gr8 interview as always. #walkthetalk
about 17 hours ago from TweetDeck · Reply · View Tweet · Show Conversation

davekennedy: and the beat goes on @elephantjournal ‘s #walkthetalk prAna Boulder kula NoW rAwking the Eco-fashion show So much Nrg & creativity ;~
about 18 hours ago  

NNUS: RT @davekennedy @elephantjournal #walkthetalk show pulling off the unlikely ~ politics, fashion, tech, yoga *Bravo
about 18 hours ago  

davekennedy: @elephantjournal #walkthetalk show pulling off the unlikely ~ politics, fashion, tech, yoga *Bravo
about 18 hours ago   · Show Conversation

davekennedy: @elephantjournal #walkthetalk show is being serenaded by the ultra sweet harmony of Colorado’s own Paper Bird gr8 nite of diversity
about 18 hours ago   · Show Conversation

julieannstorr: Paperbird 7 piece band playing @boulder_theater #walkthetalk great sound guys! – Photo: http://bkite.com/07dG2
about 18 hours ago from Brightkite ·  

BrettGreene: Great show Waylon @elephant – thanks for putting it on #walkthetalk
about 18 hours ago  

bigredf: #walkthetalk hosea mentions sustainability dinner @loladenver details www.loladenver.com
about 18 hours ago from mobile web ·  

jay_diggity: I got a direct message feom Waylon Lewis while he was interviewing john friend onstage at bldr theater. How did he do that? #walkthetalk
about 18 hours ago  

bwyman: OH: “how do we take responsibilty for our own karma?” … “you know, just real quick.” #walkthetalk
about 18 hours ago  

micah: The cool thing about being at the #walkthetalk event is the learning and people. Boulder=Passion. I don’t see this anywhere else.
about 18 hours ago  

davekennedy: #walkthetalk ~ @bfeld @micah @anusarafriend interestingly enough talking very much the same story: being in community, being connected ;~
about 18 hours ago  

davekennedy: #walkthetalk ~@bfeld @micah & the whole start up community here Boulder seem so passionate & engaged. the bleeding edge yet approachable ;~

gwenbell: Great job fellow panelists @micah @bfeld & @jeffrey. Now @elephantjournal interviewing John Friend. #walkthetalk http://twitpic.com/4p8un
about 18 hours ago  

micah: Apparently the titans of tech are seated in width order. #walkthetalk http://twitpic.com/4p713 (via @bwyman) (too bad he is right!)
about 18 hours ago  

SamanthaShakti: @anusarafriend on #walkthetalk @elephantjournal. The power of grace opens us to the whole tapestry of awakening. http://twitpic.com/4p8q6
about 19 hours ago  

BrettGreene: Perfect Boulder mashup tech/yoga – Waylon’s interviewing John Friend founder of anusara yoga #walkthetalk
about 19 hours ago  

rothington: #walkthetalk Is this how this works? Yeah Waylon. Who were those guys?
about 19 hours ago from mobile web ·  

SamanthaShakti: Watching #walkthetalk @elephantjournal laptopasana was coined by Sergey Brin 5 years ago as a new name for Sphinx pose. Techno yogis unite
about 19 hours ago  

davekennedy: #walkthetalk ~ Titons of Tech Panel at Boulder theatre @bfeld @micah sounding surprisingly Tantric in their approach to community/biz
about 19 hours ago  

ShawnaTodd: #walkthetalk…. micha / buddah! so insightful.
about 19 hours ago from mobile web ·  

BrettGreene: @bfeld @gwenbell @Micah Boulder tech community supports even competing start ups & has more community than spiritual ones #walkthetalk
about 19 hours ago  

gracekboyle: @micah @gwenbell @bfeld @jeffrey holding down as Titans of Tech for #walkthetalk check them out and the vid on Huffington Post soon!
about 19 hours ago from TwitterBerry ·  

jankabili: @bfeld is a really grounded, smart guy. we’re lucky to have him in the boulder tech community. #walkthetalk
about 19 hours ago  

jankabili: new titans of tech panel at #walkthetalk is awesome. i’m so proud of the boulder tech community.
about 19 hours ago  

BrettGreene: “what’s cool about tech is a horrible question” – @bfeld #walkthetalk
about 19 hours ago  

bwyman: Apparently the titans of tech are seated in width order. #walkthetalk http://twitpic.com/4p713
about 19 hours ago  

mitomedia: #walkthetalk look at all the twitterereers on stage!

jankabili: #walkthetalk @gwennbell repping the ladies of tech. Go gwenn.
about 19 hours ago  

BrettGreene: Exclusive photo of Waylon with the shirt buttons ripped off and @julieannstorr ready to lick him #walkthetalk http://twitpic.com/4p6ta
about 19 hours ago  

mitomedia: #walkthetalk shout out to brenda d. in the house!
about 19 hours ago from twitterrific ·  

mitomedia: #walkthetalk does everyone have a cocktail ready?
about 19 hours ago from twitterrific ·  

tashalita: Thank you thank you thank you #walkthetalk
about 19 hours ago from TwitterFon ·  

katrina_knudsen: John Friend rocks the house. #walkthetalk
about 19 hours ago  

Miriam_Weidner: Fab first half @ #walkthetalk also, does anyone know the name of the motley crüe autobio?
about 19 hours ago from mobile web ·  

kelly_cookson: #walkthetalk – loved the interview with Chef Hosea … and he’s single?! 🙂 Looking forward to hearing Paper Birds!
about 19 hours ago  

mitomedia: #walkthetalk @elephantjournal glad u are up there and not me!
about 19 hours ago from twitterrific ·  

mitomedia: #walkthetalk let’s get out seats and start soon !
about 19 hours ago from twitterrific ·  

elephantjournal: @mitomedia whatever gets me thru the 10 minutes alive #walkthetalk
about 19 hours ago from TweetDeck ·   · Show Conversation

elephantjournal: all the models are hiding downstage in their prAna Znerold ecofashion at #walkthetalk
about 19 hours ago from TweetDeck ·  

Miriam_Weidner: #walkthetalk
about 19 hours ago from mobile web ·  

elephantjournal: get yer organic Vocka 14 it’s intermission #walkthetalk
about 19 hours ago from TweetDeck ·  

mitomedia: #walkthetalk can Waylon do an interview and not make it homoerotic???

bfeld: @elephantjournal what’s a tweet? #walkthetalk
about 19 hours ago   · Show Conversation

UTBubble: RT @julieannstorr: Did Waylon go in search of hot mommy bloggers in Utah? #walkthetalk There are quite a few http://bit.ly/pzyMy (expand)
about 19 hours ago from TweetDeck ·  

gwenbell: @elephantjournal loved the interview we/Top Chef Hosea #walkthetalk
about 19 hours ago  

elephantjournal: @bfeld ah c’mon @bfeld give me a good tweet #walkthetalk
about 19 hours ago from TweetDeck ·   · Show Conversation

julieannstorr: Did Waylon go in search of hot mommy bloggers in Utah? #walkthetalk
about 19 hours ago from twitterrific ·  

mitomedia: #walkthetalk thanks way!
about 19 hours ago from twitterrific ·  

storytellingmag: @jeffrey Nothing, http://is.gd/xn31 (expand) designed by Carl Nyman. http://is.gd/xn8v (expand) Is this the same Carl? http://is.gd/xn9p (expand) #walkthetalk
about 19 hours ago  

bwyman: OH: “it’s not like you make fois gras wrapped in dead baby duck dipped I’m swine flu” … ” it’s not always dead” #walkthetalk
about 19 hours ago  

micah: Great interview with @chefhosea. #walkthetalk http://yfrog.com/bhid1j
about 19 hours ago  

storytellingmag: http://twitpic.com/4p509 – hi jeffrey #walkthetalk Nothing. Old School Threadless. Thank you.
about 19 hours ago from TwitPic ·  

meuperio: Wish I was at walkthetalk tonight gaining wisdom from the Titans of New Tech. Guess I’ll have to wait for the video feed to get posted.
about 19 hours ago from TweetDeck ·  

julieannstorr: About to watch interview with Americas top chef Hosea Rosenberg and @elephantjournal at #walkthetalk
about 20 hours ago from twitterrific ·  

micah: We have such a strong Music and tech scene in Boulder and Denver, I think people sleep on that shit. #walkthetalk
about 20 hours ago  

micah: rocking the #walkthetalk (at Boulder Theater)
about 20 hours ago from foursquare ·  

andrewhyde: Photo: http://bkite.com/07dyh : “At #walkthetalk show”

SamanthaShakti: In the Boulder Theatre. Check out #walkthetalk #yoga John Friend, my teacher speaks from the heart.
about 20 hours ago  

jeffrey: Anyone wearing a Threadless tee here tonight gets a free Threadless tee. Find me later! #walkthetalk
about 20 hours ago  

julieannstorr: Wondering what a reality show would be like in a place they call the bubble…? Unreality show? Why not #walkthetalk
about 20 hours ago from twitterrific ·  

elephantjournal: Just talked, said nothing, Crystal Gray, deputy mayor now talking re Boulder, Dr. Solomon, Climate Change #walkthetalk
about 20 hours ago from TweetDeck ·  

jay_diggity: Sex God and Rock n Roll is coming to Bldr Theater next friday, May 15th. $12. Its Boulder’s first national TV show! #walkthetalk
about 20 hours ago  

BrettGreene: Waylon is the Jon Stewart of green politics, without the good jokes and insightful comments, um …except 4 tonight #walkthetalk
about 20 hours ago  

mitomedia: #walkthetalk don’t fire me Waylon :)
about 20 hours ago from twitterrific ·  

MercuryThe: #Walkthetalk Reality Show in Boulder?
about 20 hours ago from txt ·  

JoshuaSOnysko: I LOVE Pangea Organics #walkthetalk
about 20 hours ago  

ShawnaTodd: #walkthetalk sorry I didn’t walk your dog today way.
about 20 hours ago from mobile web ·  

julieannstorr: #walkthetalk is john Stewart related to martha Stewart? – http://bkite.com/07dxp
about 20 hours ago from Brightkite ·  

mitomedia: #walkthetalk does change involve wearing deodorant?
about 20 hours ago from twitterrific ·  

jeffrey: Seriously, dead puppies. #walkthetalk
about 20 hours ago  

bwyman: Waylon … Daddy likes. #walkthetalk
about 20 hours ago  

jlongtine: Hopefully we can keep this reigned in… #walkthetalk
about 20 hours ago  

micah: Hey waylon, unbutton the shirt just one more button… #walkthetalk
about 20 hours ago  

mitomedia: #walkthetalk when Waylon talks a puppy dies
about 20 hours ago from twitterrific ·  

jeffrey: See this works! #walkthetalk
about 20 hours ago  

yogadork: yay RT @elephantjournal: boulder ballet starting now find your seaaaaats where’s the Rocky theme when you need i? #walkthetalk
about 20 hours ago from TweetDeck ·  

bwyman: I feel badly. I just realized I’ve been intently staring at someone the last few minutes. #walkthetalk
about 20 hours ago  

jay_diggity: Sex God and Rock n Roll is coming to Bldr Theater next friday, May 15th. $12. Its Boulder’s first national TV show! #walkthetalk
about 20 hours ago  

elephantjournal: boulder ballet starting now find your seaaaaats where’s the Rocky theme when you need i? #walkthetalk
about 20 hours ago from TweetDeck ·  

julieannstorr: @brettgreene and his big love aka apple iPhone at #walkthetalk – Photo: http://bkite.com/07dvL
about 20 hours ago from Brightkite ·   · Show Conversation

BrettGreene: @andrewhyde takin’ pitchas at #walkthetalk http://twitpic.com/4p2kg
about 20 hours ago  

julieannstorr: At #walkthetalk @boulder_theater with @i2internet @greggtobo @brettgreene @boulderecohomes http://twitpic.com/4p229
about 20 hours ago from twitterrific ·  

i2Internet: Hangin’ with @BrettGreene, @JulieannStorr &others at “Walk the Talk” Show @Boulder_Theater w/ Waylon Lewis of @ElephantJournal #walkthetalk
about 20 hours ago  

davekennedy: #walkthetalk ~ Waylon is cool calm and in control…here in the “green room” NOT! http://twitpic.com/4p218
about 20 hours ago  

gracekboyle: Backstage in the green room with top chef Hosea, Paper Bird and Titans of Tech(ies) prepping for the show, about to go on #walkthetalk
about 20 hours ago from TwitterBerry ·  

jlongtine: Feeling kind of geeky after finding out that I was at Paper Bird’s second show, when they were called White Tiger #walkthetalk
about 20 hours ago  

divineoraclek: sitting down – patiently, yet eagerly awaiting @elephantjournal’s #walkthetalk show – rich entertainment in store, I am certain!!

jaxboulder: Catch Hosea in less than an hour #walkthetalk show w/ @elephantjournal. tickets available @ the door $20 -boulder theater
about 21 hours ago  

BrettGreene: Hipsters filling up Bldr theater 4 #walkthetalk -@i2internet @julieannstorr @micah @bfeld @gwenbell & more http://twitpic.com/4p0wq
about 21 hours ago  

jlongtine: @twitter is making a showing at #walkthetalk. Can’t wait to see my girl @gwenbell up on stage! http://twitpic.com/4p0tl
about 21 hours ago  

kelly_cookson: @gwenbell (etal) is the “green room” really *green* :). I’ve always wondered! #walkthetalk
about 21 hours ago  

bigredf: about to go support Hosea & @jaxboulder for #walkthetalk show w/ @elephantjournal. tickets available @ the door $20 -boulder theater
about 21 hours ago  

mitomedia: @fennybergs #walkthetalk you are right. Waylon smells more than redford on a good day
about 21 hours ago from twitterrific ·  

Fennybergs: …And not as smelly as Waylon. #walkthetalk
about 21 hours ago from Twinkle ·  

micah: Stoked to be speaking at @elephantjournal’s Walk The Talk with @bfeld @jeffrey @gwenbell! Come check it out… #walkthetalk
about 21 hours ago  

elephantjournal: #walkthetalk in Green Room w/ @gwenbell @micah @gracekboyle waiting for @bfeld @anusarafriend & Paper Bird etc…ordering @hapasushi
about 21 hours ago from TweetDeck ·  

mitomedia: #walkthetalk so this is “technology” oooooohhhh
about 21 hours ago from twitterrific ·  

Fennybergs: Redford is cuter than Waylon will ever be #walkthetalk
about 21 hours ago from Twinkle ·  

mitomedia: #walkthetalk this is my way of being meaningful– twitter
about 21 hours ago from twitterrific ·  

mitomedia: #walkthetalk free massages in the back people!!!
about 21 hours ago  

bwyman: Can’t decide if #walkthetalk is a heckling venue or not… Sigh, and I hear there’s sushi in the green room.
about 21 hours ago  

mitomedia: #walkthetalk I kinda hate this song even though I made the playlist.

kelly_cookson: looking forward to tonight’s show! #walkthetalk at the Boulder Theater.
about 21 hours ago  

mitomediaevan: #walkthetalk I am now on Twitter. Who would have thought?
about 21 hours ago  

gracekboyle: At The Boulder Theater for @elephantjournal’s #walkthetalk show. Eco Expo, Titans of Tech, Boulder Ballet, and more oh my!
about 21 hours ago from TwitterBerry ·  

kelly_cookson: @mitomedia new haircut is sharp; Waylon is stylin’ #walkthetalk
about 21 hours ago  

mitomedia: #walkthetalk hey y’all, what do you think of waylons new haircut?
about 21 hours ago  

mitomedia: #walkthetalk shooting hd the boulder theater

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