May 17, 2009

Scott Badenoch of Creative Citizen says: In times of urgency, collaboration trumps competition.

Scott Badenoch of Creative Citizen: From Hype to Habit: Going Green, Together.

Scott Badenoch says that in tough economic times, with big change needed, fast, collaboration is better than competition.

Love this interview via NNUS.

The magic of sharing, as in breathing through resistance in yoga or meditation practice, is just one big deep breath away. I too often am caught in “poverty mentality” as we Buddhists put it…until I’m reminded by brothers like Scott or sister sites like NurtureNature! that, in order to fulfill my bodhisattva vow—to be of service to all sentient beings—we gotta work together. Not only must we work together in order to effect real big last change…it’s more fun than tapping away at my MacBook all alone in my (green-renovated) home!

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