June 28, 2009

Econscious Market [dot com]: the world’s biggest online philanthropic green mall.

Update: big news—Econscious Market is the featured mindful gift store on Grist.org, one of the biggest bestest green media sites in the whole wide world.

Econscious Market doesn’t believe in “eco-friendly” products. Rather, “We offer “eco-friendly-er products,” says founder Mathew Gerson. “You want truth in marketing, there’s nothing green about extracting and then buying new stuff. That said, we all do it—so if you’re going to buy a gift or a new energy star refrigerator, do so through a company that sources fair-trade and other mindful products.”

But that doesn’t mean Econscious is pricey: “We’re all about customer service. You want something on sale, tell me and we’ll make it happen,” he claims (test him out).

And here’s the best part, lest I forget: like TOMS, or Newman’s Own, Econscious ain’t all about itself. Mathew & Co will donate up to (amount depends on margin) 10% of every sale to a non-profit of your choice.

Disclaimer: Mathew is one of my best friends, he’s Buddhist, he’s a hard-working, fun-loving gentleman with a heart as big as our planet. Speaking of, check out Econscious Market’s great planet-loving video:

eConscious Market: Giving. It’s the New Getting! from eConscious Market on Vimeo.

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