July 28, 2009

Save money, Gain style: a Happy Hour Clothing Swap. ~ via Lindsey Cash


Last week my friend Katherine invited all of her stylish (and broke) girlfriends to a happy hour clothing swap.

At first I was a little hesitant about the idea. I couldn’t think of anything in my closet my friends would find remotely appealing (although… I was certain my sexy red wrap dress would be perfect for my fabulous and daring friend Dana!). Dana, too, had promised me a fantastic pair of jeans, so I opened up my closet and pulled out a few items… and then a few more…. As it turned out, I was ready to give away a good third of my closet. I, somehow, was surprised to find my closet was not only full of old pieces I would never wear again, but also items I’ve never worn.

So, once I was done rooting through my clothing, I piled my selections into a couple of handy reusable grocery bags and swung over to Katherine’s place. To be honest, the pile of everyone’s clothing was a little overwhelming at first. So, my girlfriends and I started by proudly producing the items we had in mind for each other. It was amazing how well we knew each other—each piece I had in mind for Katherine she warmly received, plus she snagged a couple pieces I never suspected she’d love.

As we sorted through more clothing, it became remarkably clear how much sense this little swap made. Clothing that I hadn’t worn in years was enthusiastically snatched up by my friends—and it seemed each piece matched the style of each gal. It was firsthand recycling, and it felt productive, personal, easy and fun.

During a time when it seems that everyone I know is in the same boat—we’re often going the extra mile to save that bit of money—this clothing swap was sincerely a good time. My girlfriends and I enjoyed a fun evening together, “semi-shopping,” drinking wine and chatting. It was fulfilling to witness and partake in such mindful recycling. And more than that, we all left with pieces we were excited about not only getting, but also giving.

Lindsey Cash and her friends work as jewelry designers at Angie Star Jewelry in downtown Boulder, Colorado. Visit her blog here.

Bonus, a fun vid via our friends at Conscious Living TV, click watch and get ’em some viewage!

So Chic, So Cheap: Swap-O-Rama-Rama from Conscious Living TV on Vimeo.

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