September 4, 2009

My Mom’s On Facebook, Now What?

Everyone can be divided into two groups: those who live in fear of eventually friending their mom on Facebook, and those who have already given in.

Recently, I moved from the former to the latter. I can deal with wall posts signed “MOM”. I can handle the occasional private message rendered meaningless without the context of the comment it should have been attached to.

But the generational gap in our understanding of internet humor that was exposed when I posted a computer-generated mashup of my future child to my Facebook wall was just too much. Commiserate with me as I chronicle the growing pains of our parents adoption of this strange new technology called Facebook.

Ryan Wanger writes about local and organic food at The Reluctant Eater and is the Community Manager for Boulder startup Everlater, a place to record, share and discover travel experiences.

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