August 21, 2009

I’m on a Bike! Spoof of SNL’s I’m on a Boat! Spoof of Over-the-top Rap Video Genre.

I’m on a Mother@#$%^&*g Bike, yo!

Idea for some bored, video-savvy, fun, bike-lovin’ eco boys and girls: cover the below SNL / youtube sensation:


UPDATE: OMG, someone did it. Not eco savvy funny hipster goin’ to Farmers’ Markets (and sh*t, Motherf@#$%^&r), but…shoulda known someone would’ve thought of it. Actually pretty well done, it grows on you. I got my bike shorts, and ma’ringay dingay…

Some good lines…bustin’ five gears, Al Gore, Saving the World, I’m the queen of the world with my leg all exposed, why don’t I roll it back down, nobody knows…

Another one, with a few good moments.

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