Above: a cover story on today’s New York Times: Julia Child’s 50 year old Mastering the Art of French Cooking book is once again on best-seller lists.
Mastering the Art of French Cooking, by a then-little known young woman named Julia Child, brought good home cooking to an American enamored, already, with “just add water” recipes, processed food and Wonderbread.
48 years later, it’s once again on the best-seller lists. Why?
Because a nobody started a blog that was made into a book that was adapted into a movie that was the subject of Michael Pollan’s Sunday New York Times cover story two weeks’ back.
So if you got something brewing in you, grab this useful tech revolution by the horns and publish yourself instantly, free, internationally and in an eco-responsible manner. Keep at it, and you just might wind up blowing new air into a Legend, and inspiring millions to change their lifestyles in a fun, fundamental, everyday way.
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Waylon Lewis is the founder of elephantjournal.com
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