September 20, 2009

Bradford Heap of “Salt”, as seen at the Boulder County Farmers’ Market.

Was at the Farmers’ Market the other day, soaking in what I like to call the “free therapy”—sunshine, dogs, children, community, sky, water, local food. Got some dumplings, and the dumpling-makers gave a bunch of dropped dumplings to my ever-hungry mutt, Redford.

At one point I ran into the sunglasses-wearing, tall sustainable chef Bradford Heap, who recently opened his second restaurant, Salt, which I pre-reviewed here.

He thanked me for the write-up, said he loved it (which is always nice to hear, since you always want to combine being honest and useful with being positive, which is easier in the case of great green restaurants but hard, sometimes, when you want to criticize a successful green company for, say, selling out to The Man). Anyways, he cheerfully excused himself, I was boy-sitting for a friend’s two children. I asked him if he was shopping for the restaurant—always the mark of a walk-the-talk local food-loving chef. He cheerfully replied, “Yup! Six cases of peaches!”

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