September 7, 2009

Do “true” Hipsters shop at Urban Outfitters?

The term originated before and during the Beat Generation. It meant hip-to-something, awake, with it, alive, mad to live.

Now hipsters sing on American Idol and have agents and use irony as a cyncial, nihilistic weapon and are not so mad to live, laugh, experiment, write bad haiku or be brave and raw and free. They’re more concerned with whether to get AA‘s vee-neck or deep vee-neck and in pink or maroon.

Hipsters used to be all about jazz, counter-culture, going vegan back when folks had to ask what that was, college radio, wearing old soft teeshirts with messages that don’t make sense, biking not because mom n’pop’d bought ’em a new fancy fixie but because they didn’t believe in wars for oil, and most of allllll…really good, strong, fresh, fair-trade coffee.

Now, hipsters shop at Tarzhay, AA (which is eco-minded, fair labor, Made in USA), Urban Outfitters (which, at least, is a smaller indie chain). They (don’t know how to) ride their aforementioned fixies, look for nakey girls/boys in Vice and wear pricey fancy tee shirts with messages that don’t make sense.

True hipsters give a care, and their style comes…naturally.

Inspired by Adbusters, and playing devil’s advocate to Pnakotic.

Ethical Hipsters don’t shop at Urban Outfitters:

Hipsterism is about an ethos, rather than fashion. Hipsterism is traditionally about activism, art, counter-culture, an eco, individualistic way of living that runs counter to what’s “in” and “cool.”

Now, however, Hipsterism is cool. Hipsterism is mistaken for “style,” instead of “ethos.” Surface, rather than what’s inside.

Instead of the fashion coming out of the way of life, it’s the other way around.


For more:

10 Signs you’re a true Hipster.

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