November 28, 2008

Happy Buy Nothing Day! Only conscious consumerism can get us out of this mess.

In the midst of an economic meltdown, Buy Nothing Day might seem counterintuitive. Don’t we need to spend to get out of this problem? Or did profligate, credit-based spending get us here? Or both? Excerpt

If you dig a little past the surface you’ll see that this financial meltdown is not about liquidity, toxic derivatives or unregulated markets, it’s really about culture,” says the co-founder of Adbusters Media Foundation, Kalle Lasn. “It’s our culture of excess and meaningless consumption — the glorified spending and borrowing of the past decade that’s at the root of the crisis we now find ourselves in.”

Economic meltdown, together with the ecological crisis of climate change could be the beginning of a major global cultural shift — the dawn of a new age: the age of Post-Materialism.

A simpler, pared-down lifestyle – one in which we’re not drowning in debt – may well be the answer to this crisis we’re in,” says Lasn. “Living within our means will also make us happier and healthier than we’ve been in years.

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The below info is via the facebook group dedicated to buy nothing, as are the above images.BUY NOTHING DAY: Think of it as the first baby step towards a possible revolution.

Participate by not participating!

Saturday November 29th 2008 (and the Friday after Thanksgiving in the USA) is International Buy Nothing Day. It’s a day where you challenge yourself, your family and friends to switch off from (mindless) shopping and tune into life.

The rules are simple:

For 24 hours you will detox from consumerism and live without mindless, needless shopping. Anyone can take part provided they spend a day without spending (mindlessly)!

This event was founded by Vancouver artist Ted Dave and subsequently promoted by Adbusters magazine.


Note: There have been comments left by people who are worried this event will hurt the economy.

However, despite the title, I don’t see it as a “Forcing you to Buy Completely Nothing” day. I see it as a “Please Take Time Out from Buying Things You Don’t Need and THINK” day.

On this day, please think about all the things you have bought over the years that required resource-intensive manufacturing which will just end up in landfill one day. What a waste!

And If you do feel strongly adverse to the idea of buying nothing, then there is no need to boycott spending completely – and of course, nobody can stop you from doing this, anyway. Why not buy locally, from small businesses (preferably engaged in ethical practises)?

Basically – if you need or want to shop on this day, try to do it thoughtfully.

That’s all we are asking.


Sarah Terkes

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