September 8, 2009

Smart idea for a web site: “Hipster Porn.”

Relephant read: Miley on What Marilyn’s Measurements Prove.

Miley Cyrus nails Natarajasana.


I wish I ran a site where all I had to do was post a Polaroid a few times a day and watch the traffic rolllll in.

Well, I coulda, if I’d thought of Hipster Porn first.

Not sure what the point of the site is, unless you like sex, nothing wrong with sex, or hipsters, or hipsters having sex…or if you like attracting lots of traffic. I like attracting lots of traffic, thus this particular post. And if some of you new traffikers click on a few of our other blogs, maybe ele will stay in business, I’ll pay my mortgage, have money to buy a PBR once in awhile, and find myself in love with a true hipster.

Wouldn’t that be…ironic.

I’ve posted a few of the more tame photos, below…the ones without big cox and bulging breasts and milk boring down and in between naked buttocks (Sorry). For more, for the real thing, click here or the first link above.




Mindful bonus:

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