Van Jones: Obama’s Green Jobs Czar.
If Glenn Beck calls you Evil, you must be doing something right.
Thanks to Glenn Beck and this sliming youtube video, the evil that Green Jobs pioneer Van Jones has been finally exposed. As for the smear campaign, you know what the Japanese say: “it’s the nail that sticks up that gets hammered down.” In other words, if you’re out there in public life, working hard and getting something done, you become a target.
If you stay home on the couch with your two cars and 2.4 children, you won’t ever piss anyone off. Especially not the advertising sponsor-losing Glenn “Obama’s a racist” Beck.
Yes, it’s true, he works for the White House. We have a green jobs czar, have I woken up in an American dream?!
Bonus: “We have problems in Oakland.”
Epilogue. Since calling Obama “racist” (perhaps forgetting his white grandparents, mother)…Glenn Beck has lost many of his advertisers. Enjoy this redubbed ca-lassic spoof video:
Oh, can’t resist…Glenn Beck exposes Global Warming as the greatest scam in US History:
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