October 24, 2009

My first-ever trip to Washington, D.C. {Jared Polis, Guayaki, Lincoln Memorial, Founding Farmers}

Here’s my friend Elizabeth’s recomendations for Must-Visit DC:

Peregrine Espresso
Their coffee is amazing! and they individually brew each cup. When you walk in you don’t feel like you’re in DC at all. And it’s right by Eastern Market which is really fun.

2 Amys Pizza
Their pizza is very authentic and so, so delicious.

Pitango Gelato
Their gelato is extremely tasty and it’s made from grass-fed organic milk.

I love their Palak Paneer and their salty oat cookies are famous for a good reason. And their star of Africa rooibus tea is amazing!!

I’ll add more stops when I get a chance.

And here’s my iPhone photo slide-show with commentary in captions:

[galleria] is broken. Captions will not appear.

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